Project Insights

Utilizing Radar in the Project Management Office

Utilizing Radar in the Project Management Office

This case study was based on a consulting project for an international multi-brand company, which aimed to streamline reporting processes. The study illustrates how utilizing Radar can improve the PMO’s efficiency and enhance overall corporate performance.

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Change project data on the fly

Change project data on the fly

Change project data and publish new status reports during the meetings – projects will update their position, shape and color on the radar chart immediately after saving.

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Flexible report designer

Flexible report designer

The new flexible report designer allows users to customize the structure and appearance of reports according to their needs. The intuitive interface makes this process easier than ever!

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Try Radar on your smartphone

Try Radar on your smartphone

Sign up to Radar on your smartphone and experience the modern way to report on project status: view live data, search and filter projects on the radar, configure display options, etc. All Radar functions are available in mobile apps for iOS and Android.

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Admin panel for Radar distributors

Admin panel for Radar distributors

Not everyone knows that we have an affiliate program where you can distribute Radar for a commission. So this new update is mostly for our partners. We have made their work much easier. Let’s cover how exactly.

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